, Beloved Church - 'Fathered Sons'

At Beloved, we Believe in the finished work of the cross and our New Creation Realities in the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become The Righteousness of God in Him.

(2 Corinthians 5:21)

We believe we are God’s beloved. He demonstrated this by freely giving up heaven's best, His only Son Jesus, for you and me. When we catch a revelation of this truth, we are transformed by His grace from the inside out. That's the beauty of believing and living in our heavenly Father's love and grace!

No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you’ve done, there is redemption for you in Jesus Christ and your heavenly father is waiting for you to come to Him & intimately know Him.

God, the creator was not recognized or accepted by the world when He came to the earth in the person of Jesus Christ, not even by His own people, Israel (John 1: 11,12). But to those who did receive Him, those who believed, He gave the precious privilege to become HIS OWN SONS! This new life, this new birth, was not due to any will, ability, or act of man, but due to the will and life of God.

We are recipients of the precious gift of SONSHIP by His will.

Sonship is the revelation that our identity is not in what we do, or what we drive, or where we work, or what people say about us, or even what they think, or sometimes what we think of ourselves. It is the revelation that our identity is found in Christ and what God has said, and is saying, and will say about us. That we are made complete in Him and we are truly fulfilled and found in Him.