'Beloved' was founded by Priya in 2019. Priya was born in a Hindu background and at the age of 20, Priya fell ill, leading to her journey of seeking God to be healed. In her search for God, she had a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ and was miraculously healed.

In her encounter video, Priya shared that she heard the audible voice of Jesus that said: “Promise Me”. When Priya asked Jesus what He wanted her to Promise Him, Jesus led her to read Genesis 21:23 "I have been loyal to you, so promise that you will also be loyal to me and to this country in which you are living."

20 years later, Priya began Beloved. A Church that preaches The Finished Work of the Cross and our New Creation Identity as Beloved sons of God established in the New Covenant that Jesus birthed.

Beloved is led by other sons along with Priya in India and; internationally.

By profession, Priya is a renowned Fashion Designer and designs for many celebrities in India and internationally.

To hear Priya’s Full Testimony of her Encounter with Jesus click here


I was born into a religion that worshipped man-made idols before I met Jesus. In my heart, I always knew there was someone out there and sometimes I thought He is my guardian angel. Even when I didn't know Him (Heavenly Father), He knew everything about me. In the days of my deepest tribulation, Heavenly Father revealed himself and His Son (Jesus) to me. Since that day, Life has changed for me and I rejoice in His love for me. He taught me to REST in the finished work of Christ. Through Jesus, I get to call God, my Heavenly Father Abba, and just by faith, His inheritance is being added to me in all areas of my life effortlessly. Professionally, I work in the International Higher Education Industry and travel across the globe meeting students in different parts of the world. During my travels, I also get the opportunity to share life with the body of Christ and the Goodness of our Heavenly Father.

I was born and raised in a Christian home and gave my life to the Lord at a very young age, as I knew it was the right thing to do back then. I grew up learning a lot of things about God and His nature from the local church I attended then, but somewhere in my heart, I knew there was more. I knew the representation of Jesus I was given to understand all my life did not match the Jesus I read in scripture. I began to seek the Lord for more and during this journey, I got introduced to sonship in 2017 through a friend. Immediately it made sense to me, however, it was still just head knowledge/understanding. I kept hearing the sermons over and over again until one day it all came together. The seed popped. I knew I was the Righteousness of God in Christ. Today I don't refer to God as Lord, master, or creator instead I get the privilege of calling Him “Abba Father.” Knowing that I died with Him on the cross and it's now no longer me but Christ lives in me, that revelation was a real game changer. My life now is a life of Rest because of the finished work of the cross. My bloodline has changed and I am a New Creation in Christ. Hallelujah! Professionally, I work as a tax manager in the hospitality industry. I am also blessed to lead worship in Beloved and am a part-time musician too.